
29 September 2015

The Storm will Come


Storms come at us everyday.  Some time we have warning and sometimes they rise up before we can even take cover.  The news reported the other day that a man was killed at an outdoor event when a thunderstorm came out of nowhere and destroyed the event setting where he was. A piece of flying debris killed him.  Storms are going to come your way.  What is the foundation you stand on when the storm comes?  What is your anchor set on?

In Charleston, we saw 9 people gunned down at a church meeting.  The storm was upon the church and they never saw it coming but their foundation was in the Lord and in the power of forgiveness.   They are healing but the wounds are still fresh.  What wounds are still fresh in your life?  What storms are on your horizon?

When hurricanes come we have science that tells us when and where.  When tornadoes come, we have science that tells us maybe but not always where or when.  Storms come and go and most often leave destruction behind.  Many of us are left to our own devices to cope or begin to rebuild.  Science does nothing to help us in our restoration.  We have to draw strength from somewhere but where?  Can we be like David who wrote in Psalms 51, “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by”?  Or will we be like the disciples in the boat with Jesus as the storm rises up and panic yet saw him calm the sea and said, “Who is this man who calms the sea”?

“Fear Not” is in the Old Testament 28 time and surrounded with phases like “I am with you, Stand firm, Be strong, I am your shield, I am the one who helps you, and let not your hands grow weak”.  In the New Testament, “Fear Not “, is followed by the good news of the coming king and how valuable we are to the Father.   God does not promise that we are not going to have storms in our life but he promises that He will be with us in the storm.  He will walk with us through it and sustain us as we go.  We can take refuge in him.  It is the only place for peace and safety.

Our Father in heaven takes care of his children.  So as the next storm comes into your life what foundation are you going to cling to?  What strong place will your anchor be attached to?  If you are like David, you can take refuge in the shadow of His wings.  In the storm we often need to be still and know he is God and draw strength from him.   It is your choice, so choose well.