
24 September 2015

Take a Hike With Us


October 22-25

We will be hiking the trails of North Carolina on October 22-25 in order to take time to reconnect and refocused on our relationship with Christ or to learn what a relationship with Christ looks like for the first time.  No matter where you are on your spiritual journey come join us for an awesome time in God’s creation.
If you are feeling disconnected or unsettled this is a great time to get away from the phone and other detractions so that you may be able to hear the voice of God.  So many men have done this in the past and I hear phrases like these when we come back:
“the best time I have ever had with a bunch of guys”
” never felt closer to God than I do after having this time on the mountain”
“I feel like I have been relieved of the burdens that I have been carrying for years”
“I came to understand what a relationship with God was really all about”
“Life changing”
What about you?  Do you want to have a great time in the mountains?
Do you have any burdens that you would like to take to the mountains and leave them there?
Do you want a safe place to ask questions about christianity?

If you are not currently connected to a church body or your church does not have a hike ministry, come join us.  If your church’s hike ministry is going at a time you can not go, come join us.  If you just love to hike bring a friend and sign up.

It is going to be great hike, come join us. We encourage you to build community and relationship in your church home and we are offering a hike for anyone who wants to go.

Sign up by letting me know of your interest at  The cost will be 45.00 to include dinners and transportation.  Do not let equipment be an issue , we can help you get it. You can call me at 843-452-3363 with questions. All the details of the trip will be revealed to the ones who sign up.

We have a limited number of spaces so let me know as soon as you can.

It is going to be great!